After personally sharing a message entitled “Timeline,” God awoke Josh and Monica to their own place in His story. Josh’s late grandparents James and Madge Mayo helped to start nearly 30 churches in the Atlanta region. His parents Sam and Jeanne Mayo also returned to Atlanta to pastor after leading significant churches abroad. With eyes of faith, Josh and Monica believe that his grandparents “planted seeds,” his parents “watered those seeds” and the Lord will help them to reap His harvest through Cross Church.  In Josh’s timeline message, he felt impressed that God was doing something generational. Our lives become significant when we attach them to God’s timeline.

We believe that Cross Church is a generational work. Cross Church is built on the prayers, faith and a spiritual timeline that goes far beyond the here and now. Leaving 12 years of successful ministry in Arkansas and California, the Mayo’s returned to their family roots in Atlanta. They desired to obey the Lord by beginning Cross Church.

On January 26, 2014, we held our very first Sunday morning service. With a launch group of approximately 50 people, Cross Church has grown to multiple services and numerous ministries on a weekly basis.