“As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days.”
There are a lot of things that we would like to see changed in the world. There are many good causes worth our time and attention. At the end of the day, the thing that matters most is what God holds dear to His heart. As believers, there is no greater sign of surrender than asking God to break our hearts for what breaks His.
In this passage of scripture, Nehemiah is able to feel the heart of God as he hears the bad report about Jerusalem. He sits down and begins to weep and mourn for days. His heart is broken for the thing that God cares about most – people. Nehemiah now makes this problem very personal. He has officially received a burden from God for the people of Jerusalem. We need to ask ourselves, “Is my heart broken for the lost and the hurting? Does it move me in the deepest part of my soul?” A burden will make you cry, but it will also fill your heart with passion. God is looking for people who will carry His heart and His passion for people.
When is the last time your desire to reach people made your heart break? If you have never experienced this before, take time to reflect on how it felt when you were lost. That feeling is how thousands of people feel today. This is what breaks God’s heart. Let God break your heart today for those who are lost.
“God, today I open my heart to you. I want to feel your passion for people. Help me to carry the heart of Christ with me wherever I go. Break my heart for what breaks yours.”