We all love a good story. The plot twists, the conflict and the giant leaps of faith are great, but the narrative is only as good as the characters involved. I believe that God wants to use us to be a part of a story that will impact countless others for eternity.
Your children, your neighbors, your best friend, your co-worker, your spouse… God wants to show up and show off in their lives. He wants to use you to be a part of their transformation story. Simply said, God desires to use you… for His Glory in Their Story.
The Story Initiative is about Cross Church moving into our next chapter, a chapter filled with more life change and redemptive stories. The future Cross Church Campus will become another way for us to focus on our main thing: people.
We believe that if we step out in bold faith and take God-sized risks, we can better position ourselves to reach our community.
I want to encourage you to join us on a spiritual journey of trust and growth. During the next two years, we are believing God for greater things at Cross Church. As we walk in faith during this time, we are trusting Him to expand Cross Church so that we might see more “Souls Saved. Lives Changed. Leaders Released to Lead.”
Let’s make heaven a little more crowded. Our next chapter begins NOW.
Here is what we’re asking of you…
Ask God what He would have you give toward The Story Initiative.
Our goal is that together, everyone who calls Cross Church their home, will participate by making a pledge of generosity. Your pledge is simply your statement of faith about what you intend to give. It can be revised at any time. Download the story booklet HERE.
“Not equal giving, but equal sacrifice.” Together we will give generously to honor our faith commitments and to declare that the vision of “Souls Saved. Lives Changed. Leaders Released to Lead.” is important to us and to Him! CLICK HERE to fill out the online Pledge card and begin this journey with us.